One unintended and very cool consequence of our business model is that you, the client, can participate in the construction of your legal team if you wish. If that perks up your ears, please let us know so we can involve you in the building of your legal team.
Our team selection decisions are primarily driven by:
(i) the specific expertise your project needs,
(ii) whether a specific lawyer can get the job done in the time frame you need, and
(iii) whether they are able to price their services in a way that works for you.
We will work with you to satisfy your particular design choices. If there is a lawyer you would like to introduce to us and work with on your Avenir Law project, please let us know. If they meet our “underwriting” standards and your price point, we’ll be happy to work with them.
Subject to the above caveats, here are some of the variables you can employ:
Almost all of our work is done by phone, on-line meetings and project management tools, making location almost irrelevant. However, we appreciate that you may have an affinity for lawyers in a particular geographic area.
To us, what a lawyer knows and has done is more important than where they went to university or law school. We also understand that education pedigree is sometimes important to clients. If that sounds like you, please let us know.
If you have a preference for lawyers who trained or are currently associated with a particular firm, please let us know and we will try to accommodate.
Taste in music:
While our founder has strong feelings in this regard, taste in music is among the data we do not capture and cannot use to sort and select your lawyer.